Monday, May 18, 2009


I don’t think we ever make a conscious decision to neglect our relationship with the Lord. But it happens. The demands of life, the goals we are reaching for and relationships we are trying to keep together. Busy with that we didn’t realize we pushed God out and took over. Then one day we realize how loud everything has become. It’s just too loud!

In February I wrote the above sentences. Funny how that happens….even when you think you won’t let it happen again.

I snapped today. I knew it was coming and I’m grateful it finally did. I knew I couldn’t have kept it together much longer.

I was keeping to the plan! I had a plan and in order for me to make it out of here and start pursuing my dream on another level…the plan had to be accomplished!

Do you know that I never came up with the plan…God gave it to me along the way. But I was the one who was making sure it happened. I was the one. “….I pushed God out and took over.” Yup, that’s how it happened and I was becoming someone very ugly. Do you know that I knew God was asking me to stop what I was doing and spend more time with Him? And just the thought of slowing down would irritate me. Instead of being obedient, my actions were saying “when I’m done Lord I’ll spend time with you, but there are still things on the list that need my attention!”

What I found to happen in my own life was that when I put God aside because I was busy taking over…I lost. I lost my joy, love, peace, laughter, compassion, patience and humanity. I came home today and fell on my knee’s and cried out to the One who loves me. I gave Him my feeble attempt to accomplish the task’ without Him. I sat quietly in His presence as He emptied me of anxiety and filled me with peace. I sat in His presence and He breathed life once again in me....

Psalm 29:11 “The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.”

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