For as long as I have known my friend Becky we have been trying to go wine tasting together. As much as Becky plays down her knowledge to wine she was the best person to go with. I couldn't have imagined being with anyone else but my sweet friend. It was an extremely hot day but with my time coming to a close in California we just had to bit the bullet and go.
I found my wine. I enjoy white wines...Chardonnay to be exact. We went to two different wineries and I bought a bottle from each location. We later went walking around Livermore and enjoyed some Mexican food for an early dinner before driving back home to Modesto. I never knew there were wineries in Livermore. But there they are and the grounds are so beautiful and the people are very friendly... I didn't feel at all foolish for not knowing the "lingo" to wine. It was a great day...thanks Becky!