Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bon Jour!

I've returned from my Paris vacation and wanted to share some photos and video footage of my time away.

The arrival was an adventure in itself. My travel time to get from Oakland to Paris was 1.5 days and I was extremely tired. What should have taken us 25 minutes from airport to hotel took us over 3 hours. Sleep deprived, cold and soaked from the monsoon downpour my decisions were not up to par. We got off the Metro way too early and our luggage got stuck in the Metro exit and walked hours to get to our hotel.

The Eiffel Tower is majestic. What a structure. And to see it at night is nothing short of romantic. Notre Dame is beautiful. The intricate detail to this chapel made me giddy. Yes, I was there at a cold time of year but the rhythm of the city is hypnotic. Some points your pace is fast and that would mean your on the Metro and at other times your relaxing on a side street in a cafe enjoying your cappuccino.
"PDA" is not an issue in Paris...and I think that is what made it so wonderful. Young and old...people showing one another their love for each other.

Un, Deux, Trois. (one, two, three) Aunt Martha cost us a lot of money with that phrase. She was horrible at trying the language out. But we have many comic moments to remember during our time abroad.

What I love most about traveling is being out of my element. Going to another country and being open to how things are wonderfully different from my own country. You can take the good and bad and come to appreciate the country you live in but just as well you can come to appreciate their country and way of living as well. Bottom line is we are all human and want the same...we all want to love and be loved. We want to be around those that are important to us and we want to make a some way.

Au revoir.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Success. How do you measure it?

I believe we all were created to be successful. I believe God created each of us with a life dream and purpose. And it is up to us to figure it out along the way. But once you have discovered it comes the real test. What will you do next? Will you continue living the life you know or will you seek to fulfill it?

Look around you and what do you see? The people who you know and love…are they happy? Are you happy?

So how do you measure success? Do you consider one successful because of their education, job or possessions? Do you feel superior (ouch that word hurts don't it) to others who don’t have what you have? If someone has children out of wed-lock, are you better than them?

I believe success varies from individual to individual. Non less than the other, from the barista at the corner coffee shop to the executive in the top corner office. Each person successful in their own right. My dream and purpose in life will not be as yours but we will all leave our “fingerprint” on this earth IF we chose to fulfill it.

No I am not married, I don’t own a home, my education is simple and my job is decent. Oh did I mention I have two daughters out of wed-lock? Ahh now your forming an opinion of my life aren’t you? I think that’s human nature of us to size each person up and place them in a category. But it isn’t wise to do so. Because I’m happy with my life. I haven’t always been. I have felt loss and pain, despair and sorrow. And I have also felt love and strength, joy and peace. I am discovering the plan God has for me and have decided to trust in Him and fulfill my purpose. I have two wonderful children who are unique and creative. They bring texture to my life and I am eternally grateful to call them my own. My journey has just begun…but I am happy!

Its our day to day decisions that will move us towards fulfilling our dreams and purpose. Look outside the box and appreciate what each individual brings to the table because we are all of great worth.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Feelings. Tricky thing about them is that you can't rely on the state of emotions too much. What I mean by that is I remember hearing people say things like "Well if it's Gods will then things will work out" or "It must be God because its going so smooth". I don't believe such things. Since my recent journey has caused me to seek the Lord in a way that I never had before, I now understand my relationship with Him. The beauty about a personal relationship with the Lord is just that. Its personal. Its unique. My "walk" may not mirror yours or another believers but its true non the less. I have allowed my relationship to be freed from the strings of religion and now it soars. Funny thing happens when you take God out of the box that you put Him in. He is now free to show you His plans for your life. He is free to take you to your promise land. And that is where my journey is taking me.

June 2008 God said I would be moving to Chicago. At first I remember being very excited about it. Then September rolled around and I was suddenly questioning that decision. God did I hear you right? Or was I so desperate for change that I thought you said ok to my move? I remember thinking that it would be ok if I delayed my move for another year. But that would only make me feel anxious at just the thought of staying here in Modesto. Two months went by and I wrestled with God. In prayer and with my dear friend Becky (yes we have the same name) I would dance around the thought of staying and not moving...did I really hear God? She told me that with a God given dream the only way it comes to pass is keeping close to God. She said that Chicago is where God wants me and to stop questioning Him. I told her one day that I asked God "Have you not taken notice of the state of the economy?" Not looking to good God and you want me to move to Chicago? Really? Now? I'm leaving a good job to pursue my dream. My God given dream. Then God said "How many ways do I have to tell you this is where I am taking you?" "I'm not taking you to Chicago to fail. Trust me. For I'm leading you to your land of milk and honey." And I haven't questioned since.

I trust God. I'm leaving what I know here in California. I'm leaving my family and friends... my church and job. Because I know He has a plan for me and I want to see it fulfilled. Does that mean I still get unsure sometimes? Yes. Does that mean as the time gets closer to me leaving my job and taking my children to another state that I shake at that fact? Yes. I'm human. And I do realize that drastic change is coming not only to my life but to my children's. And as a mother I get concerned. But then I surrender that to the Lord and He comforts me. Gives me peace that all is well.

So no I don't believe that when God places you on a path that it will be smooth. Nor do I believe that when its God's will it will be easy. Because I have found in my own life that the struggles of life are beautiful opportunities for us to see God shine. My life's pains and lack have been Gods door to taking me to another step closer to Him. I have seen the Lord move on my behalf in my darkest hours. Broken and battered...there He has been. He was there when my heart was torn. He held me, sheltered me and healed me. My God has been the love of my life. And I will follow Him where He leads me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

December Trail Race

This picture is from my first trail race. Wow! I think I bit off more than I can chew. That is how I felt but the reality was God had something to share with me. So alone on the trail as I struggled to jog/walk my way up the mountains I realized how much God loves me. That their are so many plans that He has for me and that all I have to do is trust Him. And that is what I'm doing.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

This was our Christmas Card picture for 2008 of my lovely girls and I.

Hello Everyone!!

This is my first post of what I hope to be many more. Just testing the waters right now.