Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Success. How do you measure it?

I believe we all were created to be successful. I believe God created each of us with a life dream and purpose. And it is up to us to figure it out along the way. But once you have discovered it comes the real test. What will you do next? Will you continue living the life you know or will you seek to fulfill it?

Look around you and what do you see? The people who you know and love…are they happy? Are you happy?

So how do you measure success? Do you consider one successful because of their education, job or possessions? Do you feel superior (ouch that word hurts don't it) to others who don’t have what you have? If someone has children out of wed-lock, are you better than them?

I believe success varies from individual to individual. Non less than the other, from the barista at the corner coffee shop to the executive in the top corner office. Each person successful in their own right. My dream and purpose in life will not be as yours but we will all leave our “fingerprint” on this earth IF we chose to fulfill it.

No I am not married, I don’t own a home, my education is simple and my job is decent. Oh did I mention I have two daughters out of wed-lock? Ahh now your forming an opinion of my life aren’t you? I think that’s human nature of us to size each person up and place them in a category. But it isn’t wise to do so. Because I’m happy with my life. I haven’t always been. I have felt loss and pain, despair and sorrow. And I have also felt love and strength, joy and peace. I am discovering the plan God has for me and have decided to trust in Him and fulfill my purpose. I have two wonderful children who are unique and creative. They bring texture to my life and I am eternally grateful to call them my own. My journey has just begun…but I am happy!

Its our day to day decisions that will move us towards fulfilling our dreams and purpose. Look outside the box and appreciate what each individual brings to the table because we are all of great worth.

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