Well change isn't for the faint hearted! I do love it here in Chicago but let me say that it was so different from the life that I lead for so long. Its loud! And all the time. There is always something going on and if its not the ice cream truck that parks outside my bedroom window at 10pm its a couple arguing about money. I'm so grateful to have my cousin Michael here for me...he has been such a lifesaver! Assuring me that this is the way things are out here when I question...everything! He has kept me motivated and focused on achieving all my goals and new ones that we both have come upon.
There have been moments that I really miss my friends and family. And that's when I believe that change is not for the faint hearted...because its hard. You have to straighten your back and say I must go forward!! God truly has been faithful in every area of this process. His peace continues to move me and I'm amazed how faithful He is to every small detail.
I love my new city.....but I still miss all of you!!
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