Thursday, September 3, 2009

Never Late

Ps. 62:1 “I find rest in God; only He can save me.”
v.5 “…only He gives me hope.”

I had two choices.

I’m waiting for God to be BIG in my situation. I feel like I’m waiting for my “red sea” to part, my big miracle to happen. And just when you think “this is how God will make it happen” and when it doesn’t you can feel frustrated, angry and sad. Thinking “Really God?” how much more can I do this? I could have stayed in that state of mind, but it wasn’t one that I enjoyed. In that place I was feeling agitated, I didn’t want to be reminded of scriptures. I DO BELIEVE! Stop telling me that is what I need to continue doing. I don’t see you walking by faith and trusting God like I have been. Stop preaching to the choir, I know all of that, I just can’t believe I could fail out here when I was obedient and trusted His plan. I don’t know….

I felt that way for about a good 15 minutes.

It wasn’t a place that I wanted to stay….so I chose the other.

I may not be a mighty warrior whose armor and weapons are visible. I may not be able to charge my enemy with sword in hand as I run towards the battle. My weapon is my voice. So I will use what God has given me. I stood on the Word of God. Where it does not return void, you are the same God who delivered the Israelites from their oppressor the Egyptians, you delivered Daniel from a den of lions, you allowed David to defeat Goliath and you will come through for me and the needs of my home. “For I have never seen the righteous forsaken….” “If God be for me than whom shall I fear?” “Faith without works is dead”! I serve a big God. Do you know why in Bible times there were so many miracles? Why in third world countries we still see demons cast out, the blind given sight, the lame to walk again? It’s because there is no plan B. There is only God. So…I have no plan B my friends because I don’t need it. I have the Almighty God working on my behalf. Until then I will be a blessing to others. If there is a need and I can fill it then I will do so. If I can be a listening ear to those who need someone to hear them, then I’m there. For when we refresh others then in turn we ourselves are refreshed.

My weapon is my voice! I will sing of Gods goodness all the days of my life. I will sing a melody of His faithful love towards me. I will bless the Lord oh my soul….

My God is never late…He’s always on time!

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