Wednesday, January 20, 2010

His Voice

Knowing His voice has to be the most important thing to me. Years ago I struggled not hearing His voice and knowing many friends and family who were familiar with it. I questioned everything because I didn’t know it at that point. Frustrated with this I one day decided I too will hear Him. This occurred at a time when I felt like the “bottom” of my life had been pulled out and I was grasping for something to hang on to. My relationship deepened with the Lord and I was determined to know and be familiar with Him.

And then I heard it. Clear as ever I knew it was His voice and He was speaking to me. Before moving to Chicago He told me what to expect and my dear friend Becky told me to write it down. I’m glad I did because when I find myself frustrated, confused or down I go back and read all that the Lord shared and I remember that He was preparing me back then for all I’m experiencing now. With that, strength fills me and I know my path is as it should be and I’m OK.

Recently the Lord told me to do something. At first I was shocked, and then I said OK Lord I will. I asked if I would be hurt and He told me I wouldn’t. He asked if I trust Him. Yes Lord I do. I have been obedient to what His requests had been that night and peace fills me. Do I know how all of this will play out? No. But I know that God is in control and my trust lies with Him. He told me certain things will occur and I may not know the details or how it will happen but that’s none of my concern. I was asked if I trusted Him, and YES I do.

I can be without my friends and family. I can be apart from all that is familiar. My life can take twists and turns that challenge me and I may question the purpose of some situations. But one thing I'm certain is that I cannot live without my Father, my Lord, my guide, comforter and my confidant. My time…my quiet time with the Lord, wherever it may occur is the most precious to me.

Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is with you; the mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in His love; He will sing and be joyful about you.”

1 comment:

  1. Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths. When we can do this it sure takes the heat off us and lifts our burdens.

    We can know how to abase and how to abound and that our God is our provider and a very real presence in time of need.

    You all are in my thoughts and prayers and I admire each of you very much for your commitment to God and letting Him direct your paths.

    Keep on truckin'

