Saturday, March 27, 2010

Around Town

Here are some pictures of the girls and some new favorite stores I've found. I finally found a florist, she is located in Andersonville which is not far from my place. They're are all so friendly and have beautiful flowers to choose from, I always look forward to putting together a lovely bouquet for my place. Since there are more blue skies out lately we have enjoyed going downtown to our huge nine floor library and being able to explore the city. I hope you enjoy the updated pictures.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

That Was Ugly!

I can officially say that there was nothing gracious about how I handled my first winter here in the Windy City. For months all I wore were pants!! And layers upon layers of clothes, oh how dreadful. The wind would cut right through all the clothes I was wearing and there I was standing waiting for the L like a ball of fabric shivering.

I can look back now and laugh but while experiencing it I had not humor. Spring has arrived! The funny thing is for the first day of spring here in Chicago it SNOWED! You have got to be kidding me. Here I thought I could start putting away my winter clothes and bring out my sandals, heels, dresses and skirts but I was sadly mistaken. I was told that I can safely put winter gear away in early June. HUH??! Well there have been some scattered blue sky days and I have taken full advantage of them.

So maybe my first winter here wasn’t a smooth transition but I’m sure I’ll have it down in 3 more years…just in time for the Lord to move me again!

Isn’t life grand?!

Proverbs 17:22

"A happy heart is like good medicine..."

Praise It In

Recently I have found myself to be on autopilot. I don’t feel anything is wrong with that, someone once told me “we are creatures of habit” and I believe that to be true. In times of difficulty I have found comfort in routine. But when you’re waiting for the “season” to change in your life, it can take a toll on you.

All seasons come to an end but when that change occurs sometimes isn’t on the same time schedule as you would like. My faith is strong, my trust in the Lord is steadfast and my hope that a new season in my life will arrive is alive and thriving…yet I grow weary at times.

Then it hit me…get out of autopilot and DO something to usher that change in. So I did…

Initially my feelings were different from my words but the more I established who and what God has been to me a fire began to kindle and burn. You ARE my King, Savior, Guide and Comforter. You WILL NEVER leave me nor forsake me and I TRUST the plan you have for me, I may not understand but I know you have a purpose for all you allow in my life and with that understanding my trust in you remains steadfast.

So I thank you for opening the gates of blessing in my life. I thank you for blessing our new company, for my daughters and the plans they are making for their lives, I thank you that I am not the tail but the head, I thank you for the church you’re taking me to and the ministry you are preparing me for. I thank you that it is now “my time” to go back to school and hone in on my writing skills, and I thank you for allowing me to travel once again this year. May all I say and do bring honor to you Lord and prepare me for the people you will bring in my life, that I may be a living testimony of your love, redemption and purpose.

Psalm 16:7-11
“I praise the Lord because He advises me. Even at night, I feel His leading. I keep the Lord before me always. Because He is close by my side, I will not be hurt. So I rejoice and am glad. Even my body has hope, because you will not leave me in the grave. You will not let your holy one rot. You will teach me how to live a holy life. Being with you will fill me with joy; at your right hand I will find pleasure forever.”

Friday, March 12, 2010

Running On Autopilot?

The busyness of my day and the uncertainty of life have caused me to run on autopilot. What I mean by that is there are so many factors that are uncertain, I don’t know how they will “pan” out BUT what I do know is that God is before me so I trust the path He has me on. My days are full! I get up early to work out, then I get ready for my day, if need be I go to the “Chekie” office before heading to work and there I will be for the next 8 hrs, I arrive home around 11:30pm to rest a bit then I call it a night. The day repeats itself, I may try to mix it up but these are the basics of my day. A new factor is I’m taking a course to be certified in cruise lines so that has been another thing added to my list. May I get to enroll for a couple of summer courses at Truman College; believe it or not I’m very excited about this!

In the beginning when I was trying to get a grip on this new schedule of mine I was feeling numb to life. The weather I know had something to do with it as well. Day after day the skies would be gray and that had an effect of me. I tried to keep my head above water and continue in the direction I was going, it’s not always easy though, some days were tougher than others, and everything was an effort. So what did I do to get to the other side of all this craziness?

1. I trusted the Lord, plain and simple! I knew the Lord had placed me here in this new city and that I am NOT alone. I may not be able to see the finish line but I trust the One who placed me on this course.

2. I hold on to the promises the Lord gave me and continues to give me. For those days when I’m feeling lonely, I remember ALL that God has shared with me about my future, and I wrap myself in it. Remembering His promises is vital!

3. I remember that change is always around the corner. Just when you feel weary, spent and numb to your situation know that God always has something new waiting for you around the corner.

I feel the winds on change once again in my life and I am ready!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Journey Continues

My computer was down for a while and that’s why I wasn’t able to update my blog. So much has happened and my life continues to pick up a quicker pace.

Regarding my job, well I stopped complaining and started looking for a new job. I have also found peace with the job I currently have. I think I hated it so much that I was part of the problem. I went into work already with a bad attitude or chip on my shoulder ready to explode on anyone who dared to speak with me. I hid myself in my “area” and got lost in my music but simmering with anger at the fact that THIS is MY job! After stepping back I realized I wasn’t “honoring my leaders” like the word tells us to. How could I honor such stupid, controlling, brown-nosing people? I knew my actions were not honoring the Lord and that grieved me. I asked the Lord to forgive me and to give me His peace, joy and love towards all those who surround me. I released my anger and once again placed my trust in the Lord. I told Him that if this is the place He wants me to be then I will stay. Thank God He gave me the “green light” to start looking for a new job but until then my attitude has changed. I’m now honoring my leaders, joy fills me and hope once again bubbles in me knowing that change is once again around the corner.

There are still days when I don’t understand how everything will “work out” but I try not to focus on that and I keep my eyes on the One who leads me. He has been my faithful companion and where ever He leads…I WILL FOLLOW!